Katsuhiro Otomo has atended to 'Saló del Cómic de Barcelona' this year where he had a Q&A session with the media and the fans. The Spanish newspaper El País collected some of his comments.

Publisher: Ediciones El País, S.L.
Release date: 1993-V-8
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: -
Size: -
Retail price: 100pts
Q: Did you plan to make AKIRA rich in details and perspectives beforehand?
A: No, I didn't expect to do anything special. It came out spontaneously.
Q: Is there a warning about the danger of weapon growth in AKIRA or is it a criticism of Japanese society?
A: No, there is no criticism. In AKIRA I ask myself, above all, the question of why two people who were friends cannot continue to be so. I didn't want to make a story similar to that of the knights of the middle ages, where a gentleman saves a lady. I wanted something more complicated, like a reflection of today's society, putting enough characters to get that reflection effect.
The idea of AKIRA came about because I wanted to create a hero whose age was between that of an adult and a child. But the argument is based on a manga series that told the story of a robot that the bad guys end up controlling. Obviously, the idea was transformed, and AKIRA was emerging. In the end, as the story progressed, it escaped my control.
Q: Did you ever had the temptation to quit AKIRA, tired of the story?
A: Yes, once. It was when I was at the time limit to deliver the last chapter.
Q: About his way to work...
A: The big difference between manga and animation is that in manga, if I do something wrong, I get angry at myself. In the movie, if something goes wrong, I have someone to get angry with.
Q: About his latest works...
A: It's a movie that is actually composed of three movies, and one of them is called
Q: About his new manga collaboration with Jodorowsky...
A: It will be titled
Megamex War and will be published in Japan and in France.