SHUFFLE (シャッフル), the 16mm short live action film written and directed by Sohgo Ishii (石井岳龍) based on the short story RUN by Katsuhiro Otomo that was published in GORO magazine in 1979-VI-14 and collected in the book Katsuhiro Otomo's Anthology 2, was released today in Laser Disc in the 4th volume of the collection 'Night Cap Movies'. The disc also includes the shorts 'Together and Apart' and 'Bisbille'
Publisher: Media Rings Home Video
Release date: 1991-I-21
Format: NTSC | CLV
Format: NTSC | CLV
Audio: Japanese
Runing time: 69 min
Retail price: ¥6,800
Catalogue number: MRLC-90010
Catalogue number: MRLC-90010