Katsuhiro Otomo collaborated with a one-page illustration in the official book of the animation film NASU - ANDALUCIA NO NATSU (茄子-アンダルシアの夏) directed by Kitarō Kōsaka (高坂 希太郎 based on the manga by Iou Kuroda (黒田硫黄). Many other cycling fans that also collaborated in Carbon Heart & Osyare Handle have also collaborated in this book.
A collaboration book centered around the animated film NASU - Andalucia no Natsu and its original manga ANDALUCIA NO NATSU (アンダルシアの夏) (included in NASU (茄子) 1~3 published by Kodansha).
●Three-fold anime poster & anime special feature
●Iou Kuroda's , manga NASU (茄子) bicycle trilogy & 15 new illustrations for the anime
●A luxurious cast of manga & illustrators: Yoshito Asari (あさりよしとお), Daisuke Igarashi (五十嵐大介) , Katsuhiro Otomo (大友克洋) , Hideji Oda (小田ひで次), Mohiro Kitoh (鬼頭莫宏), Shinichi Sugimura (すぎむらしんいち), Tamakichi Sakura (桜玉吉), Kenji Tsuruta (鶴田謙二), Katsuya Terada (寺田克也), Tony Takezaki (トニーたけざき)
●Interview between Kitarō Kōsaka (高坂 希太郎) and Junichi Kikuta (菊田潤一)
●Interview between Iou Kuroda (黒田硫黄) and Fumiko Takano (高野文子)
OTOMO's COMMENT (from the film's promotional flyer)
I have high expectations.
Knowing Kōsaka-san, I'm sure he'll come up with some new way to express bicycles.
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Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/4gvA76Q
Amazon DE: https://amzn.to/3TAclfT
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