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●MANGA● AKIRA part 67

AKIRA part 67

Young Magazine (ヤングマガジン) No.4
1986-II-17 | 17 pages | B&W

Collected in the books:
AKIRA 4 in original black & white
All Color AKIRA 8 colored by Steve Oliff
True Color AKIRA 4 colored by Steve Oliff

●ILLUSTRATION● Tenkū no Shiro Rapyuta (天空の城ラピュタ)

Katsuhiro Otomo has drawn an illustration for an article in this months Animage (アニメージュ) Magazine on the upcoming film directed by Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎駿) , Tenkū no Shiro Rapyuta (天空の城ラピュタ)


Publisher: Gakken (学研)
Release date: 1986-II-10
Number of pages: 202
Size: A4
Retail price: ¥590