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●TV SHOW● Urasawa Naoki no MANBEN neo: Otomo Katsuhiro (浦沢直樹の漫勉neo: 大友克洋)

Naoki Urasawa's MANBEN neo (浦沢直樹の漫勉) Episode 20 will be centered on Katsuhiro Otomo. Scheduled to be broadcasted on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 10:00PM on Japanese channel E-Tele, NHK Educational TV. Naoki Urasawa (浦沢直樹) the presenter and a manga artist, shared his thoughts on the show and his admiration for Katsuhiro Otomo on Manben Neo blog.

Official website: https://www.nhk.jp/p/manben


Katsuhiro Otomo's manga has had a profound influence on the top runners of today's manga scene. His style of expression was a true "revolution." His 1982 serial AKIRA was a massive hit, and the phrase "Before Otomo, After Otomo" was coined, signaling the major shock it brought to the world of manga. This time, we delve into the creative process behind his legendary work DŌMU.


Urasawa was reportedly looking forward to Otomo's appearance.

Urasawa: I had been waiting for this moment (laughs). I frequently meet with Otomo, and each time, I’d say, "Please appear on the show!" So, I was really excited.

How did Urasawa feel about the impact of DŌMU?

Urasawa: In the history of Japanese manga, there have been two major impacts. The first was Osamu Tezuka's "Shin Takarajima" (1947), and the second was Katsuhiro Otomo's DŌMU (1980). 
The manga you all are reading today would not have taken its current shape if DŌMU hadn’t been published. It was that monumental of an influence. I wanted to express the shock and emotion we felt when it was first released through the program, so we tried to approach it in various ways.
Manga artists of my generation and beyond have all had their lives changed by DŌMU So, I reached out to nine manga artists, and they shared their thoughts. Please look forward to hearing about the "Otomo in my heart" from these artists (laughs).

Original Manuscripts of DŌMU Revealed!

Urasawa: The show will explore DŌMU from various perspectives, including showcasing Otomo’s original manuscripts. What did you think of them?
Otomo’s manuscripts don’t use white correction ink. He completes his intricate drawings in one go. Those lines are drawn with a sense of absolute commitment. When he draws a line, he does so with all his soul, making sure it’s the correct line. It’s as if he’s pouring his entire being into every stroke. I believe this is how his manga reached us and became part of our era. The original manuscript we will be showing is one like that.

Can you share any particularly memorable moments from the shoot?

Urasawa: The shoot took place at Otomo’s studio, where we got to see the bookshelf filled with things he’s learned from. The collection of books and DVDs on his shelf seemed quite similar to my own.
If you only focus on manga, you can only become a "child" of manga. To create new culture, you need to combine various influences into a complex cultural identity. I’ve learned from many books, films, and manga created by pioneers, and seeing that bookshelf made me realize that I’ve been following in Otomo’s footsteps.

Urasawa: I asked the program’s director not to downplay the huge impact of Otomo’s revolutionary work DŌMU. Otomo’s manga pushed so many aspiring artists to move forward.
However, drawing a manga like Otomo’s with just paper and pen requires immense mental and technical training. While manga is a casual culture, behind the scenes, manga artists carry enormous burdens in their work. I hope the show gives a glimpse into that side of things. I want to continue conveying the essence of manga to everyone.


Urasawa: Are you planning on drawing another manga?
Otomo: I didn't expect that question to come.

Tweets by OTOMO (March 19, 2025)

■(retweet of Urasawa's announcement of the upcoming MANBENneo show) I kept running away, but I got caught.


Previously released as a double CD,  Victor Entertainment has released today the double LP version of AKIRA REMIX that collects the background music that was played at the AKIRA CEL ART EXHIBITION, held at Ikebukuro Mixalive Tokyo and Osaka Parco Gallery in August and October 2023. 

The album produced entirely by Otomo himself features the remixes by Makoto Kubota (久保田麻琴), Yasuharu Konishi (小西康陽), and Kuniaki Hiijima (蓜島邦明) of the iconic soundtrack created by Shoji Yamashiro (山城 祥二) and the Geinoh Yamashirogumi (芸能山城組) group for the animation film AKIRA. The cover art features the original design illustrated by Otomo.


[Side A]
01. KANEDA [金田]
04. DOLLS' POLYPHONY [ぬいぐるみのポリフォニー]
06. ILLUSION [回想]

[Side B]
01. MUTATION [変容]
02. REQUIEM part1 [未来 part1]
03. TETSUO [鉄雄]
04. SHOHMYOH [唱名]
05. REQUIEM part2 [未来 part2]

[Side C]
02. DOLLS' POLYPHONY [ぬいぐるみのポリフォニー]
03. REQUIEM [未来]

[Side D]
01. KANEDA [金田]
02. SHOHMYOH [唱名]
03. ILLUSION [回想]

*Bonus tracks from the CD disc 1: Track 12. SHOHMYOH2 [唱名2] and  track 13. TETSUO2 [鉄雄2] will not be included on the LP.


Lyrics and composition: Shoji Yamashiro (山城祥二)
Performance: Geinoh Yamashirogumi (芸能山城組)

Sides A&B: Remixed by Kubota Makoto (久保田麻琴)
Side C: Remixed by Konishi Yasuharu (小西康陽) 


Label: Victor Entertainment (ビクターエンタテインメント)
Release date: 2025-III-26
Format: Double LP
Duration: 76 min 
Reatil price: ¥8,800
Catalogue number: VIJL-60353


Amazon JP: https://amzn.to/3Qw1xNX
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3CSCJNb
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3CSMIC7
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3QuB4jI
Amazon DE: 
Amazon FR: 
Amazon IT: 
Amazon ES: 

The album is also be available on a Double CD and in Apple Music, LINE MUSIC, Amazon Music Unlimited, AWA, KKBOX, Rakuten Music, TOWER RECORDS MUSIC, Spotify, YouTube Music.



Meiji University Yonezawa Yoshihiro Memorial Library (明治大学 米沢嘉博記念図書館) has organized the exhibition OTOMO KATSUHIRO O SODATETA MANGA TACHI TEN (大友克洋を育てたマンガたち展) 'The manga works that nurtured Katsuhiro Otomo' 


Apart from his manga and film and illustration works, Katsuhiro Otomo is also known for his deep knowledge of manga as he showed in his promotional illustration for the first period of the OTOMO KATSUHIRO COMPLETE WORKS collection which Kodansha began to publish in 2022. This exhibition  focuses on the manga  works depicted in this promotional illustration that features a row of covers of manga works that  influenced him as a boy. 

The venue will take place on the 1st floor of Meiji University Yonezawa Yoshihiro Memorial Library and Contemporary Manga Library from Friday, March 7, 2025  to Monday, June 23, 2025. The entrance to the 1st floor exhibition is free.

In the reading room on the 2nd floor, there will be available to read manga works that Otomo Katsuhiro was familiar with in his childhood, as well as other works by Otomo Katsuhiro, which are shown in the exhibition. If you are not a member of the university you must register to have access to this floor and make a one-day membership that costs ¥330.

■Opening hours: Monday and Friday 14:00 - 20:00, Saturday, Sunday and holidays 12:00 - 18:00

■Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (open on national holidays), March 20 (Thursday and holiday), April 29 (Tuesday and holiday), May 6 (Tuesday and holiday)

■The museum may be closed for special arrangements. Please check the museum's website or call 03-3296-4554 on opening days.

Official webiste: https://www.meiji.ac.jp/manga/yonezawa_lib/exh-otomo.html


■FIRST PERIOD SPECIAL CORNER: Don't miss the works of these authors! 

From Friday, March 7th to Monday, April 28th, 2025

Introducing works by authors who were not able to be fully introduced in the promotional illustrations for the first period of the Complete Works of Otomo Katsuhiro, but who are "not to be missed at all"

■SECOND PERIOD SPECIAL CORNER: Keep an eye on Mitsuyoshi Sonoda!

From Friday, May 2nd to Monday, June 23rd, 2025

Introducing Mitsuyoshi Sonoda (園田 光慶), a special author who greatly expanded the world of manga.


Date and time: Saturday, June 14, 2025, 16:00-17:30

Location: Meiji University Surugadai Campus (明治大学 駿河台キャンパス)


◆Katsuhiro Otomo (manga artist, film director) Born on April 14, 1954 in Miyagi Prefecture. Debuted in 1973. His representative manga works include "Domu" and "AKIRA". The animated film "AKIRA", which he directed and wrote the script for, was highly praised around the world and has had a major impact on the current global movement of Japanese animation. He has received many awards and honours, including being inducted into the Comics Hall of Fame at the Eisner Awards in 2002, receiving the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2013, and winning the Grand Prix at the Angoulême International Comics Festival in 2015.

◆Tadashi Matsumori (manga artist), Born on April 22, 1947 in Kumamoto Prefecture. Manga artist. Debuted in 1968 with "The End of the Black Sprint." Major works include "Thursday's Rika," "The Fist God: The Legend of Kaito Yujiro" (both by Koike Kazuo), and "Yukemuri Sniper" (by Hijikata Yuho, another pen name for Karen Marei). He is well known for his drawing and composition skills, and has collaborated with many famous authors such as Koike Kazuo, Karen Marei, and Sekigawa Natsuo on many works. One of his works based on an original work by Otomo Katsuhiro is "We Are the Jolly Visitors" (published in the May 27, 1982 issue of "Weekly Manga Action"). 

◆Interviewer: Nobuhiko Saito  (斎藤宣彦)  (Staff Leader, Meiji University Yonezawa Yoshihiro Memorial Library)

◆Moderator: Otona Miyamoto  (宮本大人) (Professor, Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies)

Attendance application start date: Thursday, March 6, 2025. Free admission.

Official website: https://academy.meiji.jp/course/detail/7430



Independent Katsuhiro Otomo researcher and archivist Jun'ya Suzuki (鈴木淳也), who in 1999 started the website Apple Paradise: Otomo Katsuhiro Data Base has published the eighth of a series of booklets to accompany the KATSUHIRO OTOMO COMPLETE WORKS collection that is currently being published by Kodansha. This eighth booklet commentaries correspond to Otomo's transition to the serialization and the creation of the first parts of his seminal manga AKIRA collected in OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 12: AKIRA 1

The author narrates the path to the creation of the manga AKIRA, the process of establishing a work process with the first full-time assistant, and the goal of drawing 20 pages of work twice a month without compromising the quality of the drawings. A wealth of materials and the words of those involved trace the behind-the-scenes production of AKIRA, which began as a homage to Mitsuteru Yokoyama's (横山 光輝) manga TETSUJIN 28 (鉄人28号)

These COMMENTARY SERIES booklets scheduled to be produced for all volumes also work  perfectly as dividers of the complete works volumes, since they  prevent vinyl covers from sticking to each other.

The booklet was sold for the first time today in COMITIA 151 (コミティア151) in the stand O17a  ŌTOMO KATSUHIRO KENKYŪ (O17a 大友克洋研究)You can follow and contact Jun'ya Suzuki on Instagram and Twitter to get the book.


Author: Jun'ya Suzuki (鈴木淳也)
Release date: 2025-II-16
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 44
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: ¥1,200


Shosen Grande (書泉グランデ) Bookstore: https://shosen.tokyo/?pid=185004618
Kosho Bi Bi Bi (古書ビビビ) Bookstore 
Togetsuya (兎月屋書店) Bookstore