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OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS season 2 starts in 2023! The upcoming books will include volume 1 and 5 collecting short manga stories and the second and third part that comprehend the continuation of volume 23: Animation AKIRA Layouts and Key Frames vol.1

TWEETS by OTOMO (December 31, 2022)

■Thank you very much for all your help this year. It took some time, but I'm really happy that I was able to publish the layout collection at the end of this year. It was a book that had never existed before, so it was difficult to get a lot of people to understand it. But please look forward to the second and third layout collections coming out next year, which will be even more powerful.

■(On the price of the books) Sorry it's a little pricey though. It's not my fault.

■(Regarding the publication of his first published work JŪSEI (銃声) in volume 1) The proof print is already out.

Next year, there will be things that you have never seen before. This is Complete Works.

All pages of MACCHI URO NO SHŌJO (マッチ売りの少女)  that I drew in my second year of high school will also be included.

■(Regarding the inclusion of SHIN'YŪ (親友), in the first volume) Of course. Moreover, it is beautiful because it was scanned from the original manuscript. But it's an old work, so take it easy...

■(On the inclusion of SOGEKI (狙撃), one of Otomo's first submissions to a magazine) Since it was a submitted work, the manuscript has not been returned. 

The first volume of the complete collection includes MACCHI URO NO SHŌJO (マッチ売りの少女) , JŪSEI (銃声)SHIN'YŪ (親友), and others. DŌMU is volume 8 and AKIRA Layout Collection 1 is volume 23. This is "Complete Works". I don't know how many volumes there will be in total, but please look forward to it.

■(Regarding the inclusion of unfinished works such as APPLE PARADISEOf course! It's not over yet.

(On collecting all the volumes and submitting the proofs of purchase) Thank you. I would like to give everyone who collects all of them something wonderful, but it may change depending on the total number of entries, so nothing has been decided specifically.

Thank you all for your many comments. After this, I have to eat New Year's Eve soba, so I'll continue next year!! Thank you for another year.

●BOOK● OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 23: Animation AKIRA Layouts & Key Frames 1

This is the first of three volumes, that collect a huge amount of layouts, original drawings, and  corrections used in the production of the anime version of AKIRA

The layout is a drawing that has the information (such as art setting, background and character movement) of each scene of the film and serves as a blueprint to draw the animation. The animation director, the art director and the director Otomo, were involved in the creation of this layouts. The selected ones included in this book are mostly drawn by Otomo himself. In addition to those original drawings, replicas of the cels and background art that made into the final photography of the film are also collected in this book.

The film AKIRA was divided in four parts during production: A, B C and D. Animation AKIRA Layouts & Key Frames 1 (volume 23 of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS) collects the material selected by Otomo from his personal collection of parts A and B. The subsequent volumes 24 and 25 will include the rest of the material. 


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Publication date: 2022-XI-30
Release date: 2022-XII-2
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 650
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: ¥7,700
ISBN-10: 4065286972
ISBN-13: 978-4065286975


●MANGA● ZENSHŪ-KUN GA IKU (全集くんが行く) part 3

ZENSHŪ-KUN GA IKU (全集くんが行く) part 3

Published in otomo-complete website
2022-XI-23 | 1 strip | B&W

Read the 4 panel manga strip here: 

TWITTER Q&A by OTOMO (November 23, 2022)

■Thank you for reading such bubble comics

■(Regarding a reservation made in Otomo's birthplace (登米市) Tome City ) Where? Kōbundō (光文堂) where I used to buy comics? But it's Aeon (イオン), right?

■It's sad that Sako (佐高) school building is going to be rebuilt. But in Shotaro Ishimori's (石森章太郎) time it was a wooden school building.

■(Regarding if he is the one riding the bike) Of course. I am the one running from Inagi Ohashi (稲城大橋) towards Hino Bridge (日野橋)


Starting today, bookstores in Japan have set up a trial reading booklets for OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS Vol.23: ANIMATION AKIRA LAYOUTS AND KEYFRAMES 1. This booklet is for bookstore placement only and it will not be sold. In it, Otomo drew an introductory instructions on how to read the 650 page book that will be released at the end of the month with a retail price of ¥7,700.

Otomo's instructions

① The animation cuts are layered in order from the bottom
② Check the movement by dropping from cell 1 to 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on
③ This book has a page structure that reproduces it. Lay the body down first
④ From the bottom page, Please take a look while dropping only the odd-numbered pages.
⑤ After reading up to page 1, please turn the book over so that the back cover is facing up.
⑥ Page down, please enjoy the even-numbered pages in order from page 2.


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Release date: 2022-XI-10
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: -
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: Not for Sale

Vol.23: ANIMATION AKIRA LAYOUTS AND KEY FRAMES 1 will be the first of three books that collects layouts, modified original drawings, and original drawings made by Katsuhiro Otomo for the movie AKIRA, selected by him from his personal collection.

Available in Amazon Japan: https://amzn.to/3WV7PJ4

TWEETS by OTOMO (November 10, 2022)

■Printing and binding of this book is troublesome, so it will take time to reprint. We recommend that you make a reservation early. 

■(Regarding hands cramped flipping the pages) Of course they cramp. In such a case, stretch the cramped fingers with your left hand.

■(Regarding his latest illustration) The real new work is Zenshu-kun. I am drawing it right now. 

■I had never had a book like this before, so it was hard to get the publisher to understand. I wanted to reproduce the number of pages and the colored pencils that were instructed, so I used full color. There are various things and it has become expensive.

■Since it is basically a collection of layouts, timesheets are not included. It's like this. 

■(Regarding the stuffed bear toy scene) Hirotsugu Kawasaki (川崎博嗣) carefully drew the original drawings, so the finish was the best. It was a little dark. 


It has been announced  in OTOMO-COMPLETE official website that the fourth batch of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS will only consist in Volume 23 ANIMATION AKIRA LAYOUTS AND KEYFRAMES 1 and the previously announced Volume 5 FIRE-BALL will be published in the near future. The increase in the number of pages of the Vol.23, its full-color printing, and the large amount of cels included in it, have increased the price of the book to ¥7,700  and despite Otomo's efforts to try to convince Kodansha's sales department, they have finally decided that Vol.23 will be released by itself, scheduled to be published on November 30th. Reservations at each bookstore are scheduled to start tomorrow.

Vol.23: ANIMATION AKIRA LAYOUTS AND KEY FRAMES 1. This will be the first of three books that collects layouts, modified original drawings, and original drawings made by Katsuhiro Otomo for the movie AKIRA, selected by him from his personal collection.

Available in Amazon Japan: https://amzn.to/3WV7PJ4

Despite the delays on the publication dates of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS, the number of volumes to be released in the first season hasn't change and will still consist on 11 volumes. Stay tuned to @otomo_zenshu official twitter account where Otomo himself answers questions of fans from time to time.

TWEETS by OTOMO (October 11, 2022)

■Volume 23 ANIMATION AKIRA LAYOUTS AND KEYFRAMES 1 is the highlight of the first season. I have carefully selected the layouts that I currently have in my possession, and also include cels that I had on hand. This is the first and last time that AKIRA layouts will be published in a book. Please don't make a T-shirt out of the pictures in this book.

■It's a gorgeous book, so I wanted to increase the number of copies and make it cheaper, but Kodansha's sales department wouldn't listen to me. 

■I'm thinking of a sales method that won't cause tears for local people and those who can't buy it even if they line up locally. Let's eradicate resellers.

■We make T-shirts and hoodies, but what else would you like? 

■Masking tape is OK! 

TWEETS by OTOMO (August 28~30, 2022)

■(Regarding comics he read recently) CHAOS GAME (カオスゲーム) serialized in Afternoon Magazine. I'm hoping that it won't be a boring manga that continues forever. 

■(Regarding if he considers a sequel to AKIRA) No.

■(On his favorite drink and how to drink it) It's actually Japanese sake, but I can't drink it for health reasons. Warm it up and have a cup of oden.

■(Regarding his favorite Moebius work) Le Garage Hermétique de Jerry Cornelius

■(On his favorite music this days) It's 'Imploding the Mirage' by The Killers. I bought the jacket, and the songs were good.

■(On his favorite watch) It's an IWC Portugieser. 

■(On how to make thin lines with a G-pen) Try with a round pen. 

■ (Regarding his opinion on studying in a university) School doesn't teach you anything. What I want to learn is written in a book somewhere, so I buy it at a bookstore.

■(On the recent passing of film director Takashi Ishii (石井隆)) I think he was a senior in many ways in my life. RIP. 

■(Regarding if he eats sweets while working) I buy sugar-free chocolates next to Seiyu's cash register.

■(On his favorite French movie) Philippe de Broca's LES CAPRICES DE MARIE. 

■(On his favorite oden ingredients) Shirataki and Gummo. And soup.

■(Regarding the use he gives to the pen holder Jean Giraud 'Moebius' gave to him) This is not allowed. I have kept it safe.

■(Regarding a YouTube channel that he regularly watches) "Elden Ring Yuneko Channel". This Kansai dialect is healing.

■(A recommended curry shop) COCO Ichi's spicy curry. 

■(On how to draw in a way that conveys to others) Take a step back and try to draw things. 

■(regarding the release of AKIRA official merchandise) When I put out something official, the offers come one after another, and is tiresome.

■(On manga artist that are amazing or frustrating) There are many.

■(On how he discovered Moebius' work) I think it was in the Japanese version of Starlog magazine.

●SIGNATURE● R.I.P. Kim Jung Gi

Katsuhiro Otomo shared in his OYAJISHU Twitter account a sketch remembering the late Kim Jung Gi (김정기) who passed away suddenly at the age of 47 last October 3. Otomo's eulogy reads like this:

Every time we met,
Kim was always smiling.
Katsuhiro Otomo


The fourth batch of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS that was announced as Vol.20: ANIMATION AKIRA and Vol.25: SCRIPTS, due to be released last July 20 was delayed and some changes in the upcoming releases have been announced in OTOMO-COMPLETE official website.

The newly announced fourth batch will consist on:

Vol.23: ANIMATION AKIRA LAYOUTS AND KEY FRAMES 1. This will be the first of three books that collects layouts, modified original drawings, and original drawings made by Katsuhiro Otomo for the movie AKIRA, selected by him from his personal collection.

Vol.5: FIRE-BALL. It will collect Otomo's short manga stories originally published during the years 1978 and 1979.

Due to the change in the release date, subsequent publications previously announced will be postponed. Stay updated in the @otomo_zenshu official twitter account where Otomo himself answers questions of fans from time to time.

TWEETS by OTOMO (August 6, 2022)

■(Regarding the inclusion of the timesheet in the upcoming ANIMATION AKIRA book) It doesn't come with a sheet, but you can flip it around.

■(On the upcoming Vol.23 ANIMATION AKIRA LAYOUT & KEY FRAMES book release) The highlight of the first season is this. I haven't seen anyone other than the staff yet.

■Basically, Kaneda and Tetsuo's corrections are made by Takashi Nakamura, the animation director. I did Colonel, Doctor and Kiyoko. The corrections are like that, but I drew anything in the layout.

■Usually, the director doesn't do the correction work. It means that if everyone didn't do something, it wouldn't have ended. 

■(Regarding drawing a manga in the future) Actually, I'm drawing it, and it may be posted somewhere in a little while. Cartoons are hard.

■(Favorite Japanese singer/band) Hiroshi Moriya, Junichi Inagaki, Eiichi Otaki, Morio Agata, Miyuki Hatakeyama, Megumi Hanare...there are many, but I've listed the names that come to mind right now.

■(Books or manga recomendations) I bought Kido Okamoto's (岡本綺堂) OZUMI NO REI (お住の霊). I've read this book many times and it's still fun to read. It's all a true story.

■(On SOL being based on a razor) At that time, I used things around my desk as the source material for the design. Even the ink bottle was going to be a robot.

■(The most memorable place) The rice field in the countryside where I lived when I was a child. When the water was drawn in spring, the sky was reflected and it was very beautiful. It looked like it was flying through the air. 

■ (Favorite miso soup ingredient) I like eggplant and tofu. It's nice to have fried tofu.

■(Regarding the appearance of Kosuke Kawamura on the TV program Jonetsu Tairiku (情熱大陸))I saw it. He said he would treat me when he became famous, but I wonder what happened………………

■(Favorite yogurth flavor) I don't eat yogurt much, but if I had to say it, it would be blueberries.

TWEETS by OTOMO (August 8~11, 2022)

■(On the influences of DŌMU) I liked De Palma back then. Dōmu is also influenced by Carrie.

■(Regarding his Favorite Summer song) Natsu no Klaxon (夏のクラクション)  by Junichi Inagaki (稲垣潤一). 

■(Regarding the best meal he eat recently) Ginger soba from Sasaki Mendokoro in Nishiogi. It was the best first half of the year. 

■(On his actual audio system) TRIODE released a CD player, so I think I'll buy one. Aren't vacuum tubes good? 

■(On his favorite recent movie) I haven't seen a movie recently, so it's a little while ago, but it's Suburra.

■(Regarding a sequel to Uchuu Patrol Shigema) There is no sequel because it is a gag of the time. Shigemasa works at Jusco in Sendai. 

■(On his favorite bike) Specialized and Shimano Dura-Ace electric derailleur. Not disc brakes. But I can't ride due to corona and intense heat. (Otomo)

■(regarding the size of AKIRA books) The manuscript is reduced in size to the magazine publication size. I draw with that in mind, but the manga tankōbon books are too small. In order to convey the world I drew to the reader, it had to be that size. 

■(On his favorite Rokugo story) There are a lot of Rokugo, so I can't narrow it down. But I like Shinsei the most. It's the best when the person is living the Rokugo, not the story. 

■(On his favorite work of Kurosawa, Kubrick and Tezuka) "Seven Samurai", "Barry Lyndon", and "Astro Boy" from 1955.

■(Regarding his favorite flavor from his hometown) Haha. In the Kanto region, it is called Suiton.

■(Favorite Techno DJ or artist) Justice Robertson.

■(Regarding the bike on the Grand Seiko ad) It is a full campa delta brake. 

■(Regarding the age at what he was able to make a living with manga alone) I think I was around 24 or 25, since it was around the time when the book HIGHWAY STAR came out.

■(Regarding the most difficult chapters or illustrations he has work on) The spread of the collapse of the Neo-Tokyo Building in Volume 3 of AKIRA was really hard, and I didn't make it in time for the deadline. 

■(Favorite motto) "Every day is an excuse". It's a copycat of photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto (杉本博司).

■(On recent hobbies) It's not a hobby, but maybe it's about understanding tube audio. 

■(Regarding the status of the new AKIRA animation project) I would like to know too.


Director and choreographer Shintaro Hirahara (平原慎太郎) offered Katsuhiro Otomo to illustrate the poster of the avant-garde opera "Einstein on the Beach", in which minimal music master Philip Glass and director Robert Wilson attempted to interpret the scientist Albert Einstein poetically back in 1976.


Why did you get the offer?
The image came from the title "Einstein on the Beach".
I wanted to paint a picture of the sea.

In producing the illustration
It was hard because it was my first painting in a long time.


Einstein On The Beach (Abridged Version)
An Opera by Robert Wilson and Philip Glass
© 1976 Dunvagen Music Publishers Inc.

Philip Glass

Christopher Knowles
Samuel Johnson
Lucinda Childs

Konosu Yukiko (鴻巣友季子)


July 25, 1976
Avignon Theater Festival (France)

Japanese premiere:
October 18, 1992


●EXHIBITION● AKIRA The Architecture of Neo Tokyo

AKIRA: The Architecture of Neo Tokyo exhibition curated by Stefan Riekeles, Managing Director of the Riekeles Gallery and Hiroko Myokam (明貫 紘子) of Eizo Workshop, in collaboration with Nadejda Bartels, Director of Tchoban Foundation, presents 59 original production backgrounds, layout drawings, concept designs and image boards created for Katsuhiro Otomo's 1988 animation film AKIRA.

The exhibition includes works by the film's art director Toshiharu Mizutani (水谷 利春) and background artist Katsufumi Hariu (針生 勝文), Norihiro Hiraki (平城 徳浩), Shinji Kimura (木村 真二), Satoshi Kuroda (黒田 聡), Hiromasa Ogura (小倉 宏昌), Hiroshi Ohno (大野広司), Hajime Soga (曽我 元), Tsutomu Uchida (内田 勉) and Takashi Watabe (渡部 隆) who was in charge of layouts.

The exhibition will take place from June 4 to September 4, 2022  in Tchoban Foundation Museum for Architectural Drawing in Berlin, Germany. Admission: 6€ (regular), 4€(reduced)

Follow Stefan Riekele's gallery on Instagram and Twitter

Hiroshi Ohno, Toshiharu Mizutani and Katsufumi Hariu at Studio Fuga, Tokyo, Japan in Dec. 2021. Photo by Yasuyuki Takagi.

Available products

Three high quality solegraphs and posters approved by Katsuhiro Otomo and licensed by Kodansha have been produced for the occasion. Solegraph is the name for Yamada Photo Process’ high-grade ink-jet art prints that tries to approximate the print to the original artwork as close as technically possible. For more information on the scanning and printing process check Riekeles Gallery's Solegraph page.

AKIRA production background, cut no. 1, solegraph

Artist: Toshiharu Mizutani (水谷 利春)
Edition of 100, numbered and signed by the artist
Print type: solegraph high-grade fine-art print
Paper: Radiant White 270 g/m²
Format: 100 × 70 cm
Artwork size: 92 × 52.5 cm
Price: 1.200€


AKIRA production background, cut no. 182, solegraph

Artist: Toshiharu Mizutani (水谷 利春)
Edition of 25 copies, numbered, signed by the artist
Solegraph (high-grade fine-art print)
Format: 84.1 × 59.4 cm (A1)
Artwork: 55.0 × 43.0 cm
Price: 1.200€


AKIRA production background, cut no. 207, solegraph

Artist: Hiroshi Ohno (大野広司)
Edition of 25 copies, numbered, signed by the artist
Solegraph (high-grade fine-art print)
Paper: Radiant White 270 g/m²
Format: 70 × 50 cm
Artwork: 42.3 x 36.0 cm
Price: 980€


AKIRA production background, cut no. 1, poster

Artist: Toshiharu Mizutani (水谷 利春)
Edition: 1000 copies
Print type: lithograph (offset print)
Paper: Magno Volume 200 g/m²
Format: 70 × 50 cm
Price: 65€


AKIRA production background, cut no. 182, poster

Artist: Toshiharu Mizutani (水谷 利春)
Edition: 500 copies
Print type: 7 color offset
Print size: 70 × 50 cm
Price: 65€


AKIRA production background, cut no. 207, poster

Artist: Hiroshi Ohno (大野広司)
Edition: 500 copies
Print type: 7 color offset
Print size: 70.7 × 50.0 cm
Price: 65€


More background reproduction solegraphs and posters of METROPOLIS for which Otomo wrote the screenplay and other anime productions such as GHOST IN THE SHELL and PATLABOR are available in the Riekeles Gallery store.


All these background illustrations and many more are also collected in the books ANIME ARCHITECTURE published by Thames & Hudson in 2020 and PROTO ANIME CUT ARCHIVE published by Kehrer in 2011. The author of both books is Stefan Riekeles the curator of this exhibition who stablished Riekeles Gallery in 2021 with the mission of offering high-end reproductions of anime artwork.


The fourth volume of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS collects the five episodes of Sayonara Nippon (さよならにっぽん) manga published originally in Futabasha's Manga Action magazine and eight short stories created before and after that from 1977 to 1978 when Otomo was 23 to 24 years old. 

Even though this book shares its title with the 1981 edition of SAYONARA NIPPON (さよならにっぽん) published by Futabasha, its content differs greatly as this new volume presents Otomo's short stories in the chronological order in which they were published for the first time in various magazines.

Apart from Sayonara Nippon, this book collects three stories previously collected in the book HIGHWAY STAR (ハイウェイスター) published by Futabasha in 1979, four stories from GOOD WEATHER published by Kitansha in 1981 and two more collected in KANOJO NO OMOIDE (彼女の想いで…) published by Kodansha in 1990. All the original color pages are reproduced in this edition.


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Publication date: 2022-V-18
Release date: 2022-V-20
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 320
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: ¥3,080
ISBN-10: 4065273129
ISBN-13: 978-4065273128


Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3OcL6oB


Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
7・12 | 1977-VI-25 | 16 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
7・27 | 1977-VII-8 | 23 pages | B&W

Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
8・4 | 1977-VII-21 | 23 pages | B&W

Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
9・8 | 1977-VIII-25 | 24 pages | B&W

Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
10・20 | 1977-X-5 | 24 pages | B&W

Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
1・5 | 1977-XII-22 | 25 pages | B&W

SAYONARA NIPPON 5 (さよならにっぽん V)
Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
2・23 | 1978-II-9 | 20 pages | B&W

Weekly Manga Action (漫画アクション増刊)
8・24 | 1977-VIII-5 | 23 pages | B&W 

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊
9・21 | 1977-IX-2 | 23 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊 )
11・2 | 1977-X-14 | 24 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
1・10 | 1977-XII-25 | 25 pages | B&W

TOKYOO CHANG PONG (トウキョウ チャンポン)
Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
5・13 | 1978-IV-28 | 25 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊 )
6・10 | 1978-V-26 | 28 pages | B&W


The third volume of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS collects 12 short manga works created by Katsuhiro Otomo from 1976 to 1977 when he was 22 to 23 years old. Even though this book shares its title with the 1979 edition of HIGHWAY STAR (ハイウェイスター) published by Futabasha, its content differs greatly as this new volume collects Otomo's short stories in the chronological order in which they were published for the first time in various magazines back in the day.

In addition to the fore mentioned book, this volume collects stories from SHORT PEACE (ショート・ピース) published by Kisōtengaisha in 1979 and re-published by Futabasha in 1984 and also from GOOD WEATHER published by Kitansha in 1981. All this books have been out of print for a long time so finally this stories can now be enjoyed with a pristine printing quality. The manuscripts that had colors are also reproduced in color, as they were first published in magazines.


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Publication date: 2022-V-18
Release date: 2022-V-20
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 320
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: ¥3,080
ISBN-10: 4065273188
ISBN-13: 978-4065273180


Amazon US: https://amzn.to/40MB59h


AME LINGO part 1 (アメリンゴ「前編」)
Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
4・8 | 1976-III-25 | 20 pages | B&W

AME LINGO part 2 (アメリンゴ「後編」)
Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
4・15 | 1976-III-31 | 21 pages | B&W

Bessatsu Manga Action (別冊漫画アクション)
7・16 | 1976-VII-2 | 24 pages | B&W

OKASU (犯す) 
Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
8・9 | 1976-VII-19 | 25 pages | B&W

HIGHWAY STAR (ハイウェイスター)
Manga Action extra Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
9・1 | 1976-VIII-9 | 24 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan ( 漫画アクション増刊 )
11・3 | 1976-X-12 | 29 pages | B&W + Limited Color

Bessatsu Manga Action ( 別冊漫画アクション)
12・3 | 1976-XI-18 | 24 pages | B&W 

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
1・7 | 1976-XII-13 | 22 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
2・1 | 1976-XII-27 | 23 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
4・5 | 1977-III-14 | 23 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan  (漫画アクション増刊)
5・13 | 1977-IV-28 | 23 pages | B&W

Manga Action Zōkan  (漫画アクション増刊)
6・14 | 1977-V-27 | 23 pages | B&W

Bessatsu Manga Action ( 別冊漫画アクション)
7・1 | 1977-VI-16 | 20 pages | B&W


Katsuhiro Otomo participated, together with other 19 manga artists, with an illustration in the PAIR GO MANGA EXHIBITION (ペア碁 漫画展), event co-sponsored by "Pair Go World Cup 2022 Japan". The exhibition took place in the Cerulean Tower Tokyo Hotel (セルリアンタワー東急ホテル) in Shibuya, Tokyo. The many illustration and short stories were on display for two days on March 20 and 21, the entrance was free and the visitors were gifted with a postcard with Otomo's illustration.


Tetsuya Chiba (ちばてつや), Baron Yoshimoto (バロン吉元), Seiji Iwami (いわみせいじ), Machiko Satonaka (里中満智子), Naomi Kimura (木村直巳), Goro Yamada (山田ゴロ), Chanyatsu (ちゃんやつ), mizo_re2, Chinyo (ちーにょ), Yoshimi Kurata (倉田よしみ), Mitsuru Miura (三浦みつる), Hinomoto Meguru (ひのもとめぐる), Akiko Nemoto (ねもと章子), Atsushi Sasaki (佐佐木あつし), Usako Yamada (山田うさこ), Reiko Kitagawa (北川玲子), Kino Sakura (喜乃さくら), Tochi Ueyama (うえやまとち), Yuna Takagi (高木ユーナ) and Katsuhiro Otomo (大友克洋)


This second volume of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS collects 15 short manga works created by Katsuhiro Otomo from 1974 to 1976 when he was 20 to 22 years old. Most of the stories were previously collected in a book under the same title: BOOGIE WOOGIE WALTZ published by Kitansha in 1982. This books as well as GOOD WEATHER were distributed only by mail order at that time, and were rarely available at bookstores, so it was difficult to obtain them for a long time.

In this new edition however, the works ONE DOWN and KAGAMI JIGOKU (鏡地獄), a short story of Edogawa Ranpo (江戸川 乱歩) drawn by Otomo in the fore-mentioned period and that were not collected in the original book have been included in this one. In addition, a phantom last page of MEZAMEYO TO YOBU KOE ARI (目覚めよと呼ぶ声あり) that was omitted in both the original publication and the book was published for the first time in this book.


Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
4・25 1974-IV-11 | 23 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
5・23 1974-V-9 | 23 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
7・4 | 1974-VI-20 | 23 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
8・15 | 1974-VIII-1 | 23 pages | B&W

SHINJŪ - 74 AKI - (心中――'74秋──)
Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
10・3 | 1974-IX-19 | 23 pages | B&W

ANYA KŌRO [KIZU DARAKE NO TENSHI 1] (暗夜行路 [傷だらけの天使・1])
Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
12・5 | 1974-XI-21 | 23 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
2・6 | 1975-I-23 | 23 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
3・6 | 1975-II-20 | 23 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
6・5 | 1975-V-22 | 21 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
8・7 | 1975-VII-24 | 21 pages | B&W

Published in Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
8・23 | 1975-VIII-8 | 24 pages | B&W

Published in Weekly Manga Action (週刊漫画アクション)
11・27 | 1975-XI-13 | 22 pages | B&W

Published in Manga Action Zōkan (漫画アクション増刊)
1・3 | 1975-XII-15 | 20 pages | B&W

Published in Bessatsu Manga Action (別冊漫画アクション)
2・27 | 1976-III-12 | 20 pages | B&W


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Publication date: 2022-III-16
Release date: 2022-III-18
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 364
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: ¥3,190
ISBN-10: ‎ 406527320X
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-4065273203


●BOOK● OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 22: Animation AKIRA Storyboards 2

This book is the second volume out of two, of a huge amount of storyboards drawn by Otomo himself during the production process of the anime version of AKIRA. Originally published also as two separate volumes by the editorial department of Young Magazine in 1988, both volumes AKIRA E-KONTE 1 (アキラ 絵コンテ集 1) and AKIRA E-KONTE 2 (アキラ 絵コンテ集 2) have been out of print for a long time and are difficult to obtain these days.

Divided in four parts A, B C and D, This volume 22 of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS collects the parts C and D of the storyboards of the animation film AKIRA as well as new elements such as previously unpublished cuts and commentary pages by Otomo himself.


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Publication date: 2022-III-16
Release date: 2022-III-18
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 408
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: ¥4,400
ISBN-10: ‎ 4065273102
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-4065273104



Katsuhiro Otomo has posted a new drawing in a bottle, this time in the OTOMO ZENSHU twitter account announcing that the serialization of ZENSHŪ-KUN GA IKU (全集くんが行く) will start in the OTOMO COMPLETE home page.

●BOOK● OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 21: Animation AKIRA Storyboards 1

Kodansha has published today the first two volumes of Katsuhiro Otomo's Complete works collection. One of the two titles selected to inaugurate OTOMO THE COMPLE WORKS is Animation AKIRA Storyboards 1 with the number 21 in the collection. 

This book is the first volume out of two, of a huge amount of storyboards drawn by Otomo himself during the production process of the anime version of AKIRA. Originally published also as two separate volumes by the editorial department of Young Magazine in 1988, both volumes AKIRA E-KONTE 1 (アキラ 絵コンテ集 1) and AKIRA E-KONTE 2 (アキラ 絵コンテ集 2) have been out of print for a long time and are difficult to obtain these days.

Storyboards are often thought of as rough blueprints, but the precision of the AKIRA storyboards is something else. Otomo drew them around 1987 when he was in the middle of the serialization of the fifth volume of the manga AKIRA. Work that he had to interrupt for 17 months to fully focus on the production of the movie version.

AKIRA storyboards are drawn with the tension of the serialization period and the dynamic feeling of the characters are at a level comparable to the main story of the manga. This book collects the first half, parts A and B out of the four parts, A, B, C, and D that the movie is formed of. This large volume of nearly 500 pages is like reading the movie, the animation will be reproduced in the readers brain just by looking at it providing a unique insight to Otomo's animation production techniques.


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Publication date: 2022-I-19
Release date: 2022-I-21
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 488
Size: 248 x 172mm
Retail price: ¥4,400
ISBN-10: ‎406526264X
ISBN-13: ‎978-4065262641