Independent Katsuhiro Otomo researcher and archivist Jun'ya Suzuki (鈴木淳也), who in 1999 started the website Apple Paradise: Otomo Katsuhiro Data Base has published the eighth of a series of booklets to accompany the KATSUHIRO OTOMO COMPLETE WORKS collection that is currently being published by Kodansha. This eighth booklet commentaries correspond to Otomo's transition to the serialization and the creation of the first parts of his seminal manga AKIRA collected in OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 12: AKIRA 1
The author narrates the path to the creation of the manga AKIRA, the process of establishing a work process with the first full-time assistant, and the goal of drawing 20 pages of work twice a month without compromising the quality of the drawings. A wealth of materials and the words of those involved trace the behind-the-scenes production of AKIRA, which began as a homage to Mitsuteru Yokoyama's (横山 光輝) manga TETSUJIN 28 (鉄人28号)
These COMMENTARY SERIES booklets scheduled to be produced for all volumes also work perfectly as dividers of the complete works volumes, since they prevent vinyl covers from sticking to each other.
The booklet was sold for the first time today in COMITIA 151 (コミティア151) in the stand O17a ŌTOMO KATSUHIRO KENKYŪ (O17a 大友克洋研究). You can follow and contact Jun'ya Suzuki on Instagram and Twitter to get the book.
Author: Jun'ya Suzuki (鈴木淳也)
Release date: 2025-II-16
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 44
Size: 248 x 172mm
Retail price: ¥1,200
Shosen Grande (書泉グランデ) Bookstore:
Kosho Bi Bi Bi (古書ビビビ) Bookstore
Togetsuya (兎月屋書店) Bookstore