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The latest short film directed by Rintaro (りんたろう): NEZUMIKOZO JIROKICHI (鼠小僧次郎吉) in which Otomo worked as character designer, was theatrically released today. The film that was previously presented in various animation festivals will show from November 23rd to December 6th at Eurospace (ユーロスペース) in Tokyo

Otomo's character designs and Rintaro's storyboards are collected in the theater brochure that was sold today at the venue. Also available for purchase was the upcoming Japanese edition of Rintaro's first ever manga: 1-BYŌ 24 KOMA NO BOKU NO JISEI (秒24コマのぼくの人生) that collects his memories and experiences and  was first published in France last year. Otomo wrote the foreword of this book.


Release date: 2024-XI-23
Language: Japanese
Number of pages:
Retail price:


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Independent Katsuhiro Otomo researcher and archivist Jun'ya Suzuki (鈴木淳也), who in 1999 started the website Apple Paradise: Otomo Katsuhiro Data Base has published the seventh of a series of booklets to accompany the KATSUHIRO OTOMO COMPLETE WORKS collection that is currently being published by Kodansha. This seventh booklet commentaries correspond to Otomo's late 70's manga works collected in the  book OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 6: G....

This book includes a detailed commentary covering the creation background of all the works included in OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 6: G....; the differences between the original magazine publication, collected volumes, and the complete work collection, as well as Otomo’s circumstances at the time of creating the works. The narrative is reconstructed through descriptions in magazines and newspaper articles, along with interviews with related individuals, including Otomo himself. It also features the complete scenario, passed down orally, for the conclusion of “G….”, which remained unfinished in Katsuhiro Otomo’s version, as written by the original author, Noboyuki Shirayama (白山宣之).

These COMMENTARY SERIES booklets scheduled to be produced for all volumes also work  perfectly as dividers of the complete works volumes, since they  prevent vinyl covers from sticking to each other.

The booklet was sold for the first time today in COMITIA 150 (コミティア150) in the stand TE33a ŌTOMO KATSUHIRO KENKYŪ (て33a大友克洋研究)You can follow and contact Jun'ya Suzuki on Instagram and Twitter to get the book.


Author: Jun'ya Suzuki (鈴木淳也)
Release date: 2024-XI-16
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 48
Size: 248 x 172mm 
Retail price: ¥1,200


Shosen Grande (書泉グランデ) Bookstore: https://shosen.tokyo/?pid=183701341
Kosho Bi Bi Bi (古書ビビビ) Bookstore 
Togetsuya (兎月屋書店) Bookstore 

●BOOK● OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS 25: Animation AKIRA Layouts & Key Frames 3


Kodansha has published today the third and final volume that collects a huge amount of layouts, original drawings, and  corrections from Otomo's personal collection used in the production of the anime version of AKIRA

The layout is a drawing that has the information (such as art setting, background and character movement) of each scene of the film and serves as a blueprint to draw the animation. The animation director, the art director and the director Otomo, were involved in the creation of this layouts. The selected ones included in this book are mostly drawn by Otomo himself. In addition to those original drawings, replicas of the cels and background art that made into the final photography of the film are also collected in this book.

The film AKIRA was divided in four parts during production: A, B C and D. Animation AKIRA Layouts & Key Frames 3 (Volume 25 of OTOMO THE COMPLETE WORKS) collects the material selected by Otomo from his personal collection of parts C (continued from previous volume 24) and the final part D. 


Publisher: Kodansha (講談社)
Publication date: 2024-X-30
Release date: 2024-XI-1
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 675
Size: 248×172mm 
Retail price: ¥9,900
ISBN-10: 4065360544
ISBN-13: 978-4065360545