Katsuhiro Otomo drew the cover illustration for the new edition of the book TŌKYŌ “HEN'AI”-RON ANATA GA SHIRANAI TŌKYŌ NO MIRYOKU O KATARU (東京“偏愛”論 あなたが知らない東京の魅力を語る) edited by Hisao Taki (滝久雄) for which Otomo was also interviewed.
Kengo Kuma (隈 研吾), a world-famous architect, Katsuhiro Otomo, author and manga artist of AKIRA who has enthusiastic fans all over the world, and Katsuhiko Hibino (日比野克彦), president of Tokyo University of the Arts and contemporary artist, present their unique perspectives on "the charm of Tokyo", and talk about “places to be favored”. The interviewer is Hirokazu Yanase (柳瀬博一), professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
"Tokyo is full of strange people. It was so funny I couldn't help it."- Otomo
■INTRODUCTION: Let's love Tokyo one-sidedly
■CHAPTER 1: Let's talk about our 'favorite' Tokyo Round-table discussion
■CHAPTER 2: The charm of Tokyo is buried in inconspicuous places Kengo Kuma's "Partial Tokyo''
■CHAPTER 3: If you live in Tokyo, you can live freely in anonymity Katsuhiro Otomo's "Partial Tokyo"
■CHAPTER4: Hachioji, Shibuya, Roppongi, Ueno - Every day is interesting Katsuhiko Hibino's "Partial Tokyo"
■CHAPTER 5: It seems that the source of our "favoriteness" lies in something different from the stereotype.
■CHAPTER 6: You can't talk about Tokyo without 'Railway', 'Topography' and 'Food' Hisao Taki's 'Partial Tokyo'
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