This promotional DVD includes nine trailers of some of the movies Katsuhiro Otomo has been involved in the past years.
●Genma Taisen (幻魔大戦)(1983 - Character designer
●AKIRA(1988) - Original Story, Writer and director
●SO WHAT(1988) - Original Story
●World Apartment Horror (ワールド アパートメント ホラー)(1991) - Writer & director
●Roujin Z (老人Z)(1991) - Original story and screenplay
●MEMORIES(1995) - Executive Producer and general director
●Spriggan (スプリガン)(1998) - Total supervision and Configuration
●Metropolis (メトロポリス)(2001) - Screenplay
●Steamboy (スチームボーイ)(2004) - Original Story, Writer and director
Steamboy blog announcement: http://goo.gl/gEY2HL
Publisher: Culture Publishers
Release date: 2005-III-15
Format: NTSC | region 2 | DVD5
Audio: Japanese
Run time: 18 min
Catalogue number: KOCA-0001