Katsuhiro Otomo has drawn the cover illustration of this months IDEA (アイデア) magazine No.294: BLACK & WHITE. The illustration is reprinted in the page 86 of Katsuhiro Otomo's KABA2.
Official site:
Special feature: Black & White / THE End; Hajime Tachibana / Serials: Invisible language Vol. 3 by Paul Elliman / Serials: When Pigs Desgin Vol. 16 by Kyoichi Tsuzuki / Bound-in Series: Wall Vol.3, Photography by Yasuhide kuge, Art Direction + Design by Fumio Tachibana / News + Information / bound-in poster : yokoo news paper / special supplement: Works of Graph
Publisher: seibundo-shinkosha (誠文堂新光社)
Release date: 2002-IX-1
Language: Japanese
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 210
Retail price: ¥2,771