This month's ANIMAGE (アニメージュ) Magazine comes with a 74 page appendix: ANIMAGE SHORT COMICS PARADE '87 - YOKOMA MANGA DAI KŌSHIN (四コマ漫画大行進). Among the participating works two original Katsuhiro Otomo stories were published: TOKOTON SORE MADE KUN (とことんそれまでくん) and NICHIJŌ NO NAKA NO MONOGATARI (日常の中の物語). Both where reprinted later in SOS TAITOKYO TANKENTAI / OTOMO KATSUHIRO ANTHOLOGY 2
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten (徳間書店)Release date: 1987-X-10
Number of pages: 246 (Apendix 74p)
Size: A4 (Apendix: A5)
Retail price: ¥590
Publishers code: 01577-10
OTOMO'S COMMENT: "I play table tennis......"