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●MANGA● AKIRA part 67

AKIRA part 67

Young Magazine (ヤングマガジン) No.4
1986-II-17 | 17 pages | B&W

Collected in the books:
AKIRA 4 in original black & white
All Color AKIRA 8 colored by Steve Oliff
True Color AKIRA 4 colored by Steve Oliff

●ILLUSTRATION● Tenkū no Shiro Rapyuta (天空の城ラピュタ)

Katsuhiro Otomo has drawn an illustration for an article in this months Animage (アニメージュ) Magazine on the upcoming film directed by Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎駿) , Tenkū no Shiro Rapyuta (天空の城ラピュタ)


Publisher: Tokuma Shoten (徳間書店)
Release date: 1986-II-10
Number of pages: 202
Size: A4
Retail price: ¥590


The night scenes, the clouds in the sky...
They look beautiful, don’t they?
I bet they’ll look amazing on screen.

— Katsuhiro Otomo

As a child in elementary and junior high school, Otomo was captivated by anime, especially with Toei's series of feature-length films like The White Snake Legend and Horus. At 18, he moved to Tokyo with the desire to make anime. Later, his cinematic sensibility was expressed in manga, leading to the creation of works like Domu and Akira.

He first became interested in Hayao Miyazaki’s name through Conan and eventually became an avid fan. And now, as Otomo starts studying animation direction, Miyazaki’s works seem even more fascinating to him. At Otomo’s request, I showed him the storyboard (up to the C-part) and the image boards.

“It’s looking amazing. I’m looking forward to seeing how it will look on screen. Especially the scene where the robot goes wild, I’m really excited. t’s like a destruction impulse—I love scenes where things get destroyed (laughs). Another charm of Miyazaki’s work is that he shows us beautiful things like mornings and moonlight. The night scenes, the clouds in the sky—those look beautiful, don’t they? I hope they’ll look as good on screen."

Otomo, who builds science fiction with an eye on the present day, says that it’s still difficult to create an adventure story today.

“It’d be nice if I could be as carefree as Spielberg… But I want to see an adventure story with a deeper theme."