Katsuhiro Otomo wrote the afterword of the latest tankobōn No. 95 of KOCHIKAME (
こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 No.95) the manga series by Osamu Akimoto (秋本 治). The text is accompanied by this signed self-portrait.

Publisher: Shueisha (集英社)
Release date: 1995-X-4
Language: Japanese
Number of pages: 192
Size: 17.2 x 11.4 x 1.6 cm
Retail price: 390¥
ISBN-10: 4088527399
ISBN-13: 978-4088527390
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LET’S DRINK AGAIN SOMETIME.The first time I met Akimoto-san and Momomete was during the filming of a TV show called
The Legacy of Osamu Tezuka in June. I was looking at Tezuka-sensei's artwork when Akimoto-san suddenly walked in. Since the shelf was a bit close, I thought he might have come in on some business related to Tezuka Pro. But the situation felt unusual, so I asked, “Are you Akimoto-san?” He replied, “Yes,” and that’s how our first encounter ended up being a little awkward.
Momoki-san seemed to behave in a similar manner. I get told the same thing a lot myself, so I could understand the feeling, but there was a stark contrast between his appearance and the way he draws.
After the conversation, we went to a nearby sushi restaurant and chatted about various topics. We talked about the world of dramatic comics, wondering if Iron Muscle would make a comeback... And about Tezuka-sensei’s legacy, how those who started in the Sakura group went on to become respected artists, their dedication to their craft, the rise of COMmagazine, and how those artists who came from it contributed to the world of comics. We also talked about the times of youth magazines and the mystery surrounding the late '60s through the '70s...
As the years passed, I found that the manga we had been reading became more similar to each other, and the conversation bloomed with ideas and memories.
But what really struck me was Akimoto-san's comment when he said, "I keep drawing through the pain, and I still have countless ideas left." He also mentioned that he always makes sure to polish his drafts thoroughly before finalizing them.
I was truly impressed by how straightforwardly he continues to love manga and keeps drawing with such passion.
If the opportunity arises again, I’d love to have a drink together. By the way, I noticed you don’t drink much, but please, let’s drink again sometime.