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  • 1995
  • Jul

●TV● TEZUKA OSAMU NO ISAN Atom to Akira Otomo Katsuhiro ga kataru Tezuka Osamu (手塚治虫の遺産 アトムとAKIRA~大友克洋が語る手塚治虫~)

NHK has aired today two ETV special programs on the heritage of Osamu Tezuka. The second one TEZUKA OSAMU NO ISAN: ATOM TO AKIRA  ~Otomo Katsuhiro ga kataru Tezuka  Osamu~ (手塚治虫の遺産 アトムとAKIRA~大友克洋が語る手塚治虫~) featuring Katsuhiro Otomo, follows him visiting the workplaces of Osamu Tezuka and commenting on his works, it also features talks with Osamu Akimoto (秋本治), Fujiko F Fujio (藤子F不二雄) and Rintaro (りんたろう)